Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Facts About Australia's Live Sheep Export Industry

The sheep livestock export is an essential industry and provides a vital market for sheep producers to sell their livestock to and underpinning the domestic sheep farming industry. Moreover, the majority of sheep livestock are exported from Western Australia, with almost three-quarters of Australian sheep exported from this port.

In addition to that, the majority of the sheep production industry in Western Australia are livestock exporters, thereby making the industry especially important to the Western Australian economy. Moreover, the Australian sheep are exported worldwide represented a drop of 15% on the previous year, with demand for the live export of sheep far outstripping supply in the Australian sheep production industry last year.

Furthermore, Australia also has a live cattle export industry and a live goat export industry, primarily exporting to various countries. Indonesia is the primary market for the live cattle export industry, and Malaysia is the primary market for the live goat export industry. The live cattle export industry contributed millions to the Australian economy and the live goat export industry.

This is why arguments that Australia could cease supplying live sheep exports and replace them are not realistic. The two trades are complementary, and it is not as simple as replacing one trade with the other as they serve the needs of different consumers in Middle Eastern markets. Moreover, this type of investment involves programs to improve the welfare of live sheep exports once they arrive in those countries.

This also includes employing a team of animal welfare experts that work with local veterinarians, feedlot operators, stockmen, and port staff to improve how Australian sheep are cared for in the region. Talking about the work and training courses to local workers, upgrades facilities and installs new equipment and infrastructure to improve the care of Australian sheep overseas.

The major highlights of this sort of work also include the development of a sheep trolley, which assists local workers to move sheep humanely and efficiently. The trolleys have been distributed to each major importing country in the region and allow sheep to be comfortably wheeled from feedlots to processing facilities. 
Australian livestock exporters have made a significant difference to the welfare of live sheep exports from Australia, and the live sheep export industry is committed to continuing to improve animal welfare in the countries we export to. It has made a huge contribution to the overall economy of Australia.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

How to Make Money from Farm Livestock

If you are one of those business-minded individuals that always finding different ways to earn money by raising high-quality livestock, then the simplest answer is very much possible to make money from livestock farming.

This has led to various people getting indulged in making money by raising livestock. This, in turn, has led to great enhancement in import livestock into Japan. You can raise livestock for milk production, you can raise livestock for and you can breed or sell them to other livestock farmers.

Below we are going to cover in detail two types of livestock you can start raising for money. The two types of livestock you will learn to raise are goats and cattle.

  • Cattle - Raising the cattle to make higher profits can surely bring high returns on investment. But that is not at all easy, because raising cattle with perfection is tough requires you to have some patience because cattle take time to grow to a point where they can be slaughtered or produce quality milk.

Moreover, there are many ways to make money from raising cattle besides the production of milk. Their dung is rich manure that can be used as fertilizer or be transformed into fuel.

And for your livestock to produce more products you have to make sure they are healthy. In order to keep your cattle healthy will simply mean that you have to get a cleaner farm including a vet for regular check-ups. The cattle have to be fed well and remember that the quality of your cows depends on their health and weight.

  • Goats - Nowadays the best way you can start making money is by raising goats as it is easy. Moreover, these forms of livestock can do well on their own provided they have some shelter and pasture.

There are other ways that you can find to make good money from livestock farming. This has a huge role to play to import livestock into Japan too. Therefore do it in the right manner.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

All You Need To Know About Guernsey Dairy Cattle

Have you ever looked for the cow breed and imagined from where were they originated? What will be the advantage to have these breeds? Well, talking about guernsey dairy cattle breed it was originated in the Channel Islands between France and England.

Moving towards the color and texture of this breed the guernsey cattle are basically lightish brown in color and have white marks that are clearly defined. Having a coat color that is lightish makes the Guernsey Dairy Cattle resist heat better than the other breed of dairy cattle. Thus, further, this cattle breed is the best as they are adaptable to climate change.

Why Guernsey Dairy Cattle is popular?

This dairy cattle breed is popular among people as it produces milk that is “golden in color.” The golden color of milk due to the:
  • A high concentration of solids – 4.7 percent ± 0.4 butterfat, and, 3.4 percent ± 0.2 protein.
  • A high concentration of beta-carotene.

Benefits of having guernsey breed:    
  • Efficiency: Since the guernsey dairy cattle are small which makes them consume less food to produce milk as compared to other breeds of cattle. Thus, by consuming less food the guernsey breed converts that feed into more butterfat as well as protein per unit of body weight.
  • Milk Quantity: Guernsey dairy cattle milk contains 30% more cream, 12% more protein, 33% more vitamin D, 25% more vitamin A and 15% more calcium than the milk of other cattle breeds.
  • Ease of giving birth: According to the research followed by experts the Guernseys have the lowest percentage of difficulty for calving. Guernseys breed calve easily even when crossed with heavier beef breeds.
  • The best cheese processing breed: The high concentration of milk that these cows have provided the best option for processing cheese.  While cheese made solely from Guernsey milk was recently awarded as the Silver Medal at Australia's most prestigious cheese show. Guernsey 15.36 kg of cheese was made from 100 liters of pure Guernsey milk and more.
Wrapping up:

Having knowledge of cattle breeds is important if you want to own a farm, export cattle or want to buy cattle. If you are looking to buy the various varieties of dairy cattle you must contact Australia's Livestock Exporters, they are of the best exporters in Australia and always exports quality cattle by performing all the test and sending all the required documents to the buyers.